So last week was my first week of my 8th grade school year. Most of my teachers did not use technology except for one who used a SmartBoard to show my class previous National History Day( NHD) projects as examples for my class (she didn’t use it interactively though).  I was thinking why can’t our teachers use SmartBoard more interactively or have more training on how to use it more interactively.  Most of my teachers still only use it for displaying things like PowerPoint, except for my science teacher who I think has got the hang of it.  Oh, and why not give the students an opportunity to try using SmartBoard?

On Tuesday we wenUSAHEC Logot to the AHEC (Army Heritage Education Center) to learn more about the NHD topic and how to create a project. We also got to walk the path, which has different displays related to the Army throughout the years and various wars.  There are displays on how soldiers lived in World War I bunkers, a French and Indian War Waystation, tanks and other weapons that were used on Ohama Beach, Civil War Winter Cabins and displays related to the current opperations in Iraq.  There are also some World War II barracks that you can walk through and see how they lived.

Next week, the whole 8th grade class will be learning about unity and how to be a whole 8th grade not just individuals in the 8th grade at a camp in Carlisle called Camp Thompson.